Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 1, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty Review

Grade: A
Intense Reality

My thoughts on Zero Dark Thirty are first and foremost, this is an intense film. Intense about the reality of what our CIA operatives went through after 9/11 to catch The Most Wanted man UBA as they refer to him in the film. I actually like what Mike Epps calls him better.. ol Lodi Dodi. :)

The movie follows a CIA operative (Jessica Chastain), as she journeys through the middle east trying to dig up evidence that might lead her to the whereabouts of UBA. Fighting not only Al Qaeda members who are sworn to secrecy, but her own governments politics. Kathryn Bigelow (Hurt Locker) does a fantastic job of pacing this movie from the beginning. I for one am glad the scenes of torture were depicted. If you are going to tell a story, do it right. 

It's a harrowing example of the continuing sacrifice Americans have made in fighting  terrorism. Nominated for Best Picture which rightly so I believe it should be. Jessica Chastain winner of Golden Globe for Best Actress and Academy Award Nominee has a great shot at winning. I have seen this film twice and must say it's powerful. It almost leaves you with an empty feeling at the end. This is no popcorn film about catching Bin Laden, No Michael Bay helicopter shots, this is gritty and daring.  Hopefully seeing this film will give a bit of closure to the decade we had, the decade that was unjustly took from so many due to an evil plot, and evil man. 

We need more honest films like this in Hollywood. Films that choose to take bold chances no matter who it might offend, and to preserve it's integrity. 

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