The Academy didn't stop with, no, no... Let's not Nominate SkyFall and Nominate Amour in two categories. Best Foreign Film and Best Picture. What the Hell is the point of having a category for Best Foreign Film when you are just going to nominate it for Best Picture as well?????? SkyFall deserved a nomination for Best Picture out of the nine. Really, it's ok if it wasn't a typical Academy choice. The damn Oscars is really starting to be a joke. If a film makes any money.. it must be a popcorn film right?? WRONG!!!
Zero Dark Thirty has dusted up a shit storm this week from a bunch of idiots in Hollywood!! Namely Ed Asner and Martin Sheen, who want the Academy members to rally and not vote for it in protest for filming the depiction of the U.S. using torture methods after 9/11. ARE YOU F%&$#*& KIDDING ME??? (sarcasm) I am pissed off that Steven Spielberg didn't depict German Soldiers better in Schindlers List!!! I bet that there were some soldiers who gave flowers to the Jews.
(end saracasm) Scratching my damn head. Kathryn Bigelow also a Academy Snub for Best Director did an Amazing Job with the film. We need to show those victims of 9/11 that we were doing everything in our power to find the Son of B%&#@ who killed over 3000 innocent people. I bet those depictions of planes flying into damn buildings has just vacated ol Ed and Martins brains.
I am so sick of hearing about Movie Violence, and Video Game Violence as the cause of this countries woes and criminal activity. The cause is lousy parenting in the home and terrible school systems. The cause is our ridiculous Government and Congresses over inflated wallets to sit on their asses and not do anything but put us more in debt. It's not violence in movies, removing guns from innocent people protecting themselves isn't the answer. I wish celebrities would realize they shouldn't be allowed to preach on pulpits different than mine just because they our actors. If you are going to preach do it for the good of humanity and not your own political agenda.
Last but not least... Michael Bay is defending the script and name change of the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie. It will be called Ninja Turtles and they are from space.... one will be called Optimus Prime......... no wait..... that's another Bay Film. Is it me, or is Hollywood losing it's creativity??? A reboot of a franchise that hasn't really fared to well to begin with in it's last 3 attempts. Bay needs to find some originality for God's sake!!! Produce something for once that didn't come from the 80's... get your own ideas. GEEZ!!!
Whew!! I feel much better now that all that is off my chest!
-Jason Traylor
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