Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 1, 2013

2013 Possible Box Office Bombs

Last year we saw some huge disasters on the screen. 

Let's recap

John Carter was the first of these bombs. 
A production budget of 250 million.
73,078,100 Domestic (Ouch)
209,700,000 Foreign 
Just barely making back what it cost to make. 
I honestly didn't think the film was that bad... it was marketed really bad. 

Battleship is next on the sinking money ship. 
A production budget of 209 million. 
65,422,625 Domestic (sunk)
237,602,860 Foreign
Foreign ticket sales saved Universal, but overall this ship never had a chance. Once again... I actually enjoyed Battleship... wrong release date, and lack of star power killed it. 

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter sucked the life out of a lot of critics, and Fox. 
A Production Budget 69 million. 
Domestic 37,519,139 (wow)
Foreign 78,952,441
Yeah they made back the budget, but that's not the point behind studios making movies... they want a lucrative profit. Some liked this film... I was not one of them. 

DREDD and that's exactly what people did.. dreaded this film. 
A Production Budget of 50 million.
Domestic 13,414,714 
Foreign 19,344,901
The loud scream you've been hearing is Lionsgate. The film really wasn't a bad movie, it's just you are not going to put people in seats with Karl Urban & Olivia Thirlby. 

Cloud Atlas failed to make it's budget back, much like the 
Wachowski's Speed Racer. Now this is one of the few that really bombs, and yet it was an attempt to think outside the box for once. I admire the attempt, and I enjoyed the outcome. It's sad to see a movie that aspires to be something great, and yet no one went and saw it. That's not to say there are not flaws in the film.
A Production Budget of 100 million. 
Domestic 27,036,298
Foreign 44,085,649
I think after this launches on Dvd and Blu-ray Warner Bros. will make back it's production cost for the film. There could be a long cult following for this film as well. I have been in the forums abroad and have read a lot of positive reviews. 

NOW, on with the 2013 Possible Box Office Bombs

#1 The Lone Ranger

This movie was supposed to have cut it's production budget and failed!! 250+ million with Armie Hammer your lead star. Armie who?? Exactly!! I don't like the guy to be honest, and that's why maybe I'm biased and have this listed. Armie Hammer has been in films such as The Social Network, J. Edgar, and Mirror, Mirror. Snooze fest. He is boring, and has the acting range of Rodney Dangerfield. Ok, maybe I am being to harsh. The movie also stars Johnny Depp as Tonto. Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer are hoping that lighting strikes twice and Tonto is as popular as Jack Sparrow. 
In the last 20 years Westerns have not faired well with box office returns, unless your name is Eastwood or Tarantino. 
Gore Verbinski, who brought the first Pirates of the Caribbean 
to the screen is trying to break that trend. I don't see this film doing well domestically. It will make money in the foreign market because of Depp, but Disney is hoping to double it's investment.... I don't see it happening.  
Wild, Wild, West and Jonah Hex were along the same lines. 

#2 Turbo

I don't care how many stars you have voicing the film, it's uninteresting, and unoriginal. Oh, it's also releasing on July 19th, 2 weeks after Despicable Me 2, and a month after Monsters University. That's all I have to say about this wanna be pixar Cars film. 

#3 Grown ups 2 

Shoot me now please!!! Adam Sandler movies are becoming increasingly more unappealing with every new film. Yes, the first Grown ups made money, so do politicians. Every critic said it was the worst movie they had ever seen. A sequel?? The best thing  Kevin James could do is to leave Happy Madison and Adam Sandler, they are killing him. I enjoyed Paul Blart mind you, but Sandler rehashes the same crap in every movie. We get it already... WE KNOW YOU ARE JEWISH AND PROUD!!!! I think it's quite bold to release this film on July 12th amidst 15 to 20 other much more creative summer films. The last grown ups cracked 100 million foreign. Domestically this thing will not make back it's production budget. 

#4 After Earth 

I have been on the fence about this film. I like Will Smith, I like Jaden Smith, I like M. Night Shamalama ding dong. I really do. The trailer to this film.... yeeeaaahhh not impressed. It looks like CGI threw up everywhere. Will's character looks like his isn't even in the film. It looks like a bootleg Avatar ripoff in my opinion. Will it make money? Yes. I still think this could bomb... I know.. when was the last time a Will Smith movie bombed? Something just seems very unappealing to me about this film, and it has competition from a lot of other more interesting Sci-fi films. We will see. 

#5 The Wolverine

Another one that could go either way, I'm choosing to go with my gut. X-men Origins: Wolverine was boring and pretty stupid. I mean... it even had Deadpool, and Gambit and still managed to disappoint. Jackman was the best thing about it. This new sequel has been in development hell, and the film is based in Japan. 
I am really hoping this doesn't bomb. As a journalist though I am skeptical, as I should be. 

Understand that a film can make money and still be a
 Box Office Bomb.

 Other Notable Possible Bombs:
Riddick, Enders game, GI Joe Retaliation, The Last Stand, The Croods, Epic, and The Great Gatsby. 

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